Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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SKWare One 03:21:1993
This is one of a series of archives of Falcon Image Utilities from
SKWare One. If you have not downloaded those others listed here, you
may find all (or most) of them useful and/or entertaining.
These utility programs will display only on Falcon030. They will
function on ST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030, but without any display:
XGA__TGA.LZH Programs to convert XGA to TGA format and TGA to XGA,
XGA and TGA viewer programs. ST/TT converters included.
IFF2XIMG.LZH Converts Amiga 32-color (5-plane) IFF to 256-color
XIMG. ST/TT version is included; display only on Falcon.
SPEC2XGA.LZH Converts Spectrum (.SPU and .SPC) files to XGA TrueColor.
An ST/TT version is included; display only on Falcon.
These utility programs will run and/or display ONLY on Falcon030.
They WILL NOT function on ST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030:
RWL2XIMG.LZH Converts Seymor-Radix IMG_Scan raw data files to 256-color
XIMG. Sample file included. Excellent image quality.
CS__DEMO.LZH Falcon030 TrueColor demo of COLORSCAN II. Converts scanned
IMG files to colors and greys.
CSCANIMG.LZH Mono IMG file for conversion by CS__DEMO.
SURATXGA.LZH Seurat TrueColor image in XGA format.
BITCAMRA.LZH Enlarges, reduces and reproportions monochrome, 4-color,
16-color, 256-color, and TrueColor images with remarkable
speed and accuracy. Loads GEM IMG, STTT IMG, XIMG, and
XGA images. (This a demo version; save is disabled.) May
be used as viewer for conversions from programs above;
runs on everything Atari except 8-bits...
Also of interest:
IMFORMAT.LZH Proposed SKWare One IMG format extensions.
This utility program does not display. It seems to run on Falcon030,
but it has not been tested extensively in all resolutions. It has been
tested thoroughly on ST/STe/MegaSTe/TT030 in the three ST(e) resolutions.
It qualifies as a Falcon utility only in the sense that its conversions
include many file types that may prove useful in Falcon operations.
XPORTIMG.LZH Converts 4-plane (16-color) STTT GEM IMG format files
(and XIMG, too!) to a variety of file types: Amiga
5-plane .IFF, TrueColor .XGA, Targa24 .TGA, XIMG .IMG,
PrismPaint .PNT, and Aldus TIFF (Rev. 6.0 of 6/2/92).
The program runs in a load-save cycle. Clicking on "Cancel" at a load
file select exits the program. (Clicking on "Cancel" at a save file
select merely advances you to a new load file select). You have the
option to perform further conversions on a loaded image without having
to re-load the same image. At exit, you are given one last chance to
continue before exiting.
This program was written to satisfy the need of a group of SEURAT
users for a file format that would allow them to import their STTT
images into CALAMUS SL. They have aided in the development of the
program by extensive testing. Special thanks to Steve Kaleita, Chuck
Haines, and Joey Sherman, and to Nathan Potechin for his assistance.
The XPORTIMG program loads ONLY 4-plane (16-color) STTT images for
conversion. (In this version, XPORTIMG also loads XIMG files. It will
also attempt to load HyperPaint .IMG files.)
The most useful function of this program is the conversion of STTT
images to Aldus TIFF in its latest revision (Rev. 6.0 of 9/3/92).
Four options are available: a PaletteColor TIFF and an RGB TIFF, in
either INTEL or MOTOROLA chip format. The TIFF image, like the STTT
image, can be any size.
The conversion to the XIMG format allows two options, one for GEMVIEW
and ARTIS, and one for CALAMUS (see below). The XIMG image, like the
STTT image, can be of any size.
The conversion to Prism Paint places the image in the upper lefthand
corner of any one of six screen sizes selected from the PrismPaint
screen dialog. If the STTT image is larger than the screen size, the
image area is truncated to fit. If the STTT image is smaller than the
screen size, the extra image area is left blank.
The conversion to TrueColor XGA places the STTT image in the center of
the 384x480 XGA image. If the STTT image is larger than either 384 in
width or 480 in length, the image is truncated to the fixed 384x480
screen size. No other XGA screen sizes are currently supported. You
should be aware that the 384x480 XGA screen size employs pixels that
are roughly twice as wide as they are high. Therefore, an image to be
converted to XGA should be pre-sized to appear squashed to half-width
(tall and narrow) when viewed in a resolution with "square" pixels.
(The same pixel aspect ratio is true of TT Low resolution, and a simi-
lar preparation should be made when converting STTT images to XIMG
or PrismPaint files for use in TT Low resolution.)
The conversion to Amiga .IFF 5-plane image, merely adds an (empty)
plane to the existing four planes and saves the result as a standard
IFF file.
The conversion to the Targa24 format creates an uncompressed RGB
(datatype 2) Targa 24 file. The .TGA image, like the STTT image, can
be of any size.
First, it must be stressed that Calamus SL has a strong preference for
images whose width is an even multiple of 16 pixels, that is, 160,
176, 192, 208, etc. This taste for raster-width images is so strong
that Calamus SL may refuse to eat any file that lacks this character-
istic. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that all images intended to be
ultimately imported into Calamus SL be pre-sized to an acceptible
(to Calamus) width.
If a TIFF file conversion is intended for use in Calamus SL, you
should select the RGB INTEL file option. The PaletteColor INTEL file
is read but the palette colors are not correctly interpreted. Neither
of the MOTOROLA file types is successfully loaded.
(WHY NOTE: Presumably, MOTOROLA TIFF files are interpreted as MAC
files. MAC TIFF files are generally stored with a MAC binary header
appended to the start of the file. However, only TIFF files are TIFF
files and platform-specific data must be placed in a private field; a
file made by the unauthorized addition of a data block in the TIFF
header position is not a TIFF file. This may not be the reason that
Calamus SL does not read these files, but I felt like having a good
rant. Further development may solve this problem.)
The conversion to XIMG format allows an option to set the width equal
to an even multiple of 16 pixels; however, the unused righthand edge
of the new image is left blank. To avoid a blank strip on the right-
hand edge of the image, pre-size the image to an even multiple of 16
You should be aware that the TIFF and Targa24 .TGA files are much
larger than the STTT files from which they are made. Make provision
for ample data storage space, and avoid the surprizes that can occur
when you discover that a floppy disk will not hold a TIFF file that
wants to fill out to be 2.7 million bytes long.
Release Date: April 1, 1993
Runs in ST/STe resolutions on all Ataris:
Supports the following file formats:
(import and export)
DEGAS: .PI1, .PI2, ,PI3, .PC1, .PC2, .PC3
TINY: .TNY, .TN1, .TN2, .TN3
.NEO (including TT Med Rez)
DPaint .IFF (4-plane; output conversion to Amiga 5-plane)
GEM .IMG (monochrome)
STTT .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
XIMG .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
HyperPaint .IMG (4-color and 16-color)
MacPaint .MAC (mono)
PCPaint .PCX (monochrome bitmap and 16-color VGA-type)
PrismPaint .PNT (up to 16-colors; all screen sizes, compressed/uncompressed)
(export only):
Aldus .TIFF (monochrome compressed and uncompressed, Intel and Motorola)
Aldus .TIFF RGB 24-bit "true color" (Calamus SL compatible)
Atari .XGA (output conversion of 16-color images)
Targa16 and Targa24 .TGA (output conversion of 16-color images)
* BitCamera: enlarges, reduces and re-proportions both B&W AND COLOR
images. Fast, accurate process-camera quality re-sized image can be
compared side-by-side with original.
* New Clip and Page functions for both B&W AND COLOR: Rotate, Flip,
Invert, Crop, Cut, Paste, Overlay, Copy using whole images of any
size. These powerful functions allow you to do multiple horizontal
and vertical image- merging that no merge program can. In-program
crop of ragged scans. Cut'n'Paste any-size image.
* SCANNER Support: Now SEURAT "handshakes" with Dr. Bob's ScanLite
accessory to allow you to scan directly into SEURAT's image buffers
with full in-program control. (Requires mono monitor; ScanLite not
supplied with SEURAT.)
* Now loads PageStream Fonts (in addition to System, Degas and GDOS
fonts); these vector fonts can scaled horizontally and vertically to
any size and filled with hundreds of interior fill styles and colors.
* SEURAT is the ONLY Atari program that allows the creation of
any-sized color images, the ONLY Atari program with eight virtual-
screen buffers for multiple-image operations, the ONLY Atari program
that offers you the same powerful functions for COLOR IMAGES that you
expect to find only in top monochrome programs (and, of course, we do
it in mono, too)!
* SEURAT has been and will remain the most full-featured Atari Art
program with more than 400 functions and commands: a super-fast
multi-ratio Zoom; built-in print drivers for DeskJet and 9-pins plus a
separate GDOS printing program with DeskTop Publishing power; powerful
image-conversion routines; spline-curve and Bezier-curve drawing
tools; variable mouse-speed; anti-alias; palette editor with special
effects; 11 block shapers & twisters to modify image blocks; 92 color
& mono fill patterns; 42 brushes including user-defined multi-colored;
4 graphic write modes & 21 block & mask write modes; circle, ellipse &
filled disc in free, repeat & concentric modes; round- & square-
cornered rectangles & solids; rays; airbrush; clear-circle & clear-
box; vertical, horizontal & free lines; polylines & polygons in line-
edge or spline-curve; area & seed fill; user-set clipping; color
remap; mirror; screen shift, flip, invert & rotate; fill editor; brush
editor; line editor; disk utilities like Format and in_program File
Directory; and a hundred or so other features & tools that there's no
room to mention here...
* EVERY purchaser of SEURAT Version 2.8 is guaranteed a free upgrade
to SEURAT Version 3.0, which will run in all resolutions and video
modes on all Atari's, including the Falcon's 256-color and TrueColor
modes. (Just as during April, 1993, all SEURAT purchasers of versions
higher than 2.21 will be receiving their free upgrades to Version 2.8.)
Program: SEURAT VERSION 2.80
Price: $59.95!
Includes: Three-disk set, with all-new 20,000-word User's Manual
and 100's of application files (fonts, etc.)
and utility programs: PageStream-to_GDOS font converter,
GDOS print program, dither editor, BitCamera, XPORTIMG
System requirements: minimum 1-Meg ST with doublesided drive;
2-1/2-Meg+ for optimum operational use.
Payment: Check, money order; MasterCard/VISA accepted
Send check, money order, or credit card info to:
SKWare One
P. O. Box 277
Bunker Hill, Illinois 62014 USA
Shipping: SKWare One pays postage on all USA AND CANADIAN orders.
For overseas orders (not on North American continent),
include an additional $3.00 for surface mail or $5.00
for air mail delivery. (All prices are in US dollars.)
Order Yours Today!
Upgrade Policy: All Upgrades Are Free For Six Months
or Minimum One Free Upgrade!